Business Solutions
We work so you could rest. Our business is all about making your business easier. We provide custom- tailored solutions to your needs. Do you need highest quality coffee? Our team of experienced cuppers, roasters and baristas is strictly evaluating hundreds of samples from coffee farms all over the world to find the best of the best coffee beans for our customers. Are you at the beginning of your journey and need consulting in the big wide world of speciality coffee? We will provide you with a well tested , working solutions for all steps of your business, no task is too small or too big for us. We can help you with finding your place on the market, determining your customer target and best ways to achieve your goals. We will help you find the location, design your dream shop, acquire all the right equipment and set up the operations. Are you all ready to go in the business and need professional training for your team? The right preparation is equally important to having excellent coffee beans. Our custom training programs will equip your team of baristas with all the necessary preparation techniques, sensory perception and foundation of customer service to run a successful coffee shop. We provide all the latest machinery and equipment for the training , to make sure all the knowledge is up to date with the current trends and innovations.